M200 Intervention,. 408CT &375CT (Standard Coatings)
Kategori M200 Intervention (Standard Coating
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This legendary weapon system is considered the most powerful long-range rifle in production today. It was ranked the #1 sniper rifle in the world by The Military Channel.
It delivers sub-minute of angle accuracy, combined with the ability to engage targets of 2500 meters and beyond. With CheyTac® USA’s Patented Balance Flight Projectiles® this platform delivers greater range and accuracy with less bullet drop and drift than any weapon in the world.
The M200 Intervention® is a truly remarkable rifle that has earned its place in history as the “Best of the Best”.
This legendary weapon system is considered the most powerful long-range rifle in production today. It was ranked the #1 sniper rifle in the world by The Military Channel.
It delivers sub-minute of angle accuracy, combined with the ability to engage targets of 2500 meters and beyond. With CheyTac® USA’s Patented Balance Flight Projectiles® this platform delivers greater range and accuracy with less bullet drop and drift than any weapon in the world.
The M200 Intervention® is a truly remarkable rifle that has earned its place in history as the “Best of the Best”.
Available in a Deployment Kit which includes 2 barrels (.375 CheyTac® & .408 CheyTac®), 2 Magazines, Cleaning Kit, and 100 Rounds of Ammunition.
(Nb. pris inkluderer ikke import frakt, da denne vil bli beregnet enkeltvis)
*Optic not included*
*Custom coatings also available including Kryptek® Camouflage, and ‘Shooter’ Paint.
Åslyvegen 5b
7715 Steinkjer
Kurt Larsen, daglig leder.