The RIA series revolvers are perfect for both sportsmen and for shooters who lean more towards traditional precision, with low recoil of most 9mm cartridges, not to mention the moon clips on the 9mm which is a major feature. The design of the cartridge cylinder mounted in the tilting console plus the shock transition control from the console all the way to the frame will maintain the firearm’s minimum limits as much as possible. The cylinder rotation design also enables the cylinder to turn by the exact spacing distance, ensuring a safely adjusted barrel. Shooters are then guaranteed safety even if the cartridge is off the barrel, or if the cylinder are braked with impurities from shooting lead, coatless ammunition. The high strength steel guarantees a long life cycle for frequent shooting. This revolver is an ideal choice for sport shooters.
Åslyvegen 5b
7715 Steinkjer
Kurt Larsen, daglig leder.