Ny Desert Eagle pistol i kaliber 44 Magnum i Tungsten Ceracote fargekombinasjon ligger nå på eget US transit lager, og vil v/behov bli tatt inn på neste våpeninnførsel som er planlagt medio Januar/Februar 24
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The Mark XIX Desert Eagle Tungsten pistol is a gas-operated, semi-automatic pistol with a 7-round capacity in .50AE and an 8-round capacity in .44 Magnum. The gun measures 10.75” in length and has a 6” barrel. Width is 1.25”, height is 6.25” and the weight with an empty magazine is approx. 72 ounces. It has a trigger reach of 2.75” and a sight radius of 8.5” with the 6” barrel. The construction of the Mark XIX Desert Eagle pistol utilizes the latest CNC machine technology providing exacting specifications with tight tolerances creating a work of art in a precision firearm. The grip is anatomically formed and provides an ideal hand seating angle for two-handed shooting, allowing for comfortable, rapid and accurate firing. The Weaver style accessory rail easily allows for aftermarket optics and scope rings.
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